It’s always fun to see other researchers hooking into what I am putting down. While perusing the internet, I came across this article in The Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, looking at comparing the chair-care decompression exercise we measured in 2010 to the well-known movement of the McKenzie prone press-up.

Dynamic Sitting Exercise

Dynamic Sitting Exercise


Spinal Extension Exercise

Spinal Extension Exercise

The researchers found that the Dynamic Seated Exercise performed better than the Spinal Extension Exercise over the 6 weeks with people’s lower back pain. 1 I coined this decompression strategy ‘chair-care’ with the hopes that people could remember it; however, I like ‘Dynamic Seated Exercise’ better. I hope it sticks.

It is always exciting to see other researchers exploring the dynamics of what we all do too much of: sitting. JF

Jerome Fryer Chiropractor
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